Managing your Company Savings Plan
Employee Shareholding through a Company Savings Plan is an investment with many advantages, developed within the company.
The payment contributions on your Company Savings Plan (PEE / PEG) are carried out through your employer.
It is your employer who asks you if you want to take part in the Employee Shareholding operations.
You will have to complete the individual payment form distributed by your company, and indicate the amount you want to invest. Then you will give it back to your employer who centralizes all the requests, validates them and transmits them to REGARDBTP.
After each movement on your account, you receive on your private secured mailbox a transaction statement summarizing your investment. You can consult, online, in your private secured account the update of your assets.
The amounts invested on a Company Savings Plan (PEE/PEG) are blocked for 5 years. Then you can recover your capital at any time or keep it on your plan and continue to enjoy its benefits .
Some situations allow you to collect your savings before the end of the locked-in period.
I inform you of a change of situation.
Your details evolve. Report your new details as soon as possible using our correspondence form (address, bank details, civil status).
You move ?
Send us your new mailing address on our correspondence form. Attach a proof of address of less than 3 months.
You can also change your postal address directly online on your personal secure account in the MY INFOS section.